1) Standard electrode, with plastic body, refillable with KCl-solution, 1m cable and BNC plug with new practical opening and closing mechanism for KCl electrolyte solution. Cat. No. 6103 00029 |
2) WinLab pH/T 30 electrode with built in temperature sensor, 1 m cable, WinLab plug-seal and BNC plug, gelfilled. Cat. No. 6103 00030 |
3) WinLab pH-electrode with glass body, refillable with KCI-solution, with S7 plug head, with new practical opening and closing mechanism for electrolyt solution. Cat. No. 6103 00039 |
4) WinLab pH electrode with built in temperature sensor with glass body, refillable with 3 mol KCI-solution, 1 m cable, WinLab plugseal and BNC-plug. Cat. No. 6103 00038 |
5) pH combined eletrode with glass body refillable with KCl-solution, with detachable ground sleeve diaphragm eliminates nearly all measuring problems in samples with low ionic strength (e.g.drinking water) Cat. No. 6103 00060 |
6) pH combined eletrode for piercing soft, moist samples such as meat, fruits or cheese gelfilled. With conical membrane, total length 120 mm diameter 6 mm on 35 mm length. Cat. No. 6103 00062 |
7) WinLab redox-electrode with S7 plug head refillable with electrolyt Cat. No. 6103 00040 |
8) WinLab PTC-temperature sensor, special type for determination of water depth temperature, 5 m cable and WinLab plug-seal Cat. No. 6103 00033 |
9) WinLab pt 100 temperature sensor with handle, 160 mm length, 3 mm diameter for precise temperature measurement, (incl. WinLab plug-seal) Cat. No. 6103 00034 |